Forums - Good Traps Show all 58 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Good Traps ( Posted by Frieza on 06:10:2001 05:31 AM: Good Traps I know most people wont agree with me, but I dont really give a crap. I like Juggy, he's got a mean overhand right you must admit. And Megaman/Juggy/CapCom are a damn good team. Megaman and Juggy have a badass trap that will kill any guy in at most four hits. And if you ask me, juggy is a very underrated character. And megaman juggy trap is damn good if anyone has even used it before. It just kicks ass. Posted by illusion on 06:10:2001 07:16 PM: what is this megaman/juggernaut trap you got there? Posted by captainsaveahoe on 06:10:2001 07:45 PM: I'm pretty sure my mags(a)cable(b)Doom(A) can take it out, But lets hear your trap I want to hear how you work your juggs and MM. Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:10:2001 07:48 PM: Re: Good Traps quote: Originally posted by Frieza I know most people wont agree with me, but I dont really give a crap. I like Juggy, he's got a mean overhand right you must admit. And Megaman/Juggy/CapCom are a damn good team. Megaman and Juggy have a badass trap that will kill any guy in at most four hits. And if you ask me, juggy is a very underrated character. And megaman juggy trap is damn good if anyone has even used it before. It just kicks ass. i really doubt its that nasty because a cable or sentinel would most definitely take that trap out but lets see how nasty ur trap is Posted by waldo98 on 06:10:2001 10:13 PM: Re: Good Traps quote: Originally posted by Frieza I know most people wont agree with me, but I dont really give a crap. I like Juggy, he's got a mean overhand right you must admit. And Megaman/Juggy/CapCom are a damn good team. Megaman and Juggy have a badass trap that will kill any guy in at most four hits. And if you ask me, juggy is a very underrated character. And megaman juggy trap is damn good if anyone has even used it before. It just kicks ass. If it is the same MM/Juggy trap that I am thinking of, then a Strider/Doom team or a Spiral team can use their teleport moves to their advantage. Even a Magneto or Storm can get out of that trap due to their Triangle Jumping and air speed. I admit that Megaman FP fireball combined with Juggy's Beta assist can really mess up some people if they are not careful. Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:10:2001 10:37 PM: Ok, my trap is call in juggernaut right before you jump(normal) and then fire a reg mega blast right before you land and then another as you land. The first will hit then juggys overhand right and then the second blast. Then you can just blast away and repeat, if they're cable then when they try a super or something a third blast will almost always stop them. 4 hits of this will kill anyone as far as I know. Three for some. And if they try to jump at me I just use capcoms aaa asist to keep them away and call in juggy again. Works very well when used the right way. Posted by Frieza on 06:10:2001 10:42 PM: Ok, Im not sure how that happened but....but that last post was from me. Somehow i managed to post it under some other dudes name. Sorry about that guy. Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:11:2001 12:48 AM: nick frieza whatever i need to know whats going on down there all the phone lines are down and I cant call home and my sister called us collect saying she had an urgent message for me or something, please tell me something man. Damien Posted by captainsaveahoe on 06:11:2001 01:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by Tigergenocide5 Ok, my trap is call in juggernaut right before you jump(normal) and then fire a reg mega blast right before you land and then another as you land. The first will hit then juggys overhand right and then the second blast. Then you can just blast away and repeat, if they're cable then when they try a super or something a third blast will almost always stop them. 4 hits of this will kill anyone as far as I know. Three for some. And if they try to jump at me I just use capcoms aaa asist to keep them away and call in juggy again. Works very well when used the right way. YEAH MY MAGS,CABLE,DOOM WOULD EASLY TAKE THAT OUT, BUT DECENT TRAP IF THE GUY YOUR PLAYING SUXS AND DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO. Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 02:57 AM: Actually its quite effective against everyone ive played against. You'd probably have to see it because I've beaten cable a shitload of times, doom a shit load of times. even the bh and doom trap i've taken out with ease. sentinetel cant do anything. its a damn good team and a damn good combo and as for you Damien, its probably Houston. THey just flooded like some kinda biblical thing. I-10 was underwater, and I mean underwater. 18-Wheelers were completely submerged. But all is cool on the Lake Jackson front though. But Houston is a fucked fucked up place right now dude. Posted by jlepore on 06:11:2001 05:27 AM: storm/cable/cyclops tears that up. Actually just cable with levels takes out that team, but I guess it could work against a scrub. Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 05:33 AM: Im telling you, if you know how to use it then it can tear cable to shreds. I do it all the time, hell, I just didnt it for like 2 hours in the arcade earlier. Took me awhile to find my team though. But once I got it, I didnt lose. They had no chance. Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:11:2001 06:01 AM: nick whenever i call it says the number is disconnected i called you marsh chris pablo my house and all my family and it either says the number is disconnected or it says it cant get through becasue of mud slides and shit Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 06:09 AM: If I had ot guess, and this is just a guess, that your call is going through houston before it goes through here and that would mean you probably couldnt get through. Houston is in some deep shit right now and alot of communications have been down for about 48 hours. Its all over the local news. its been total coverage for two days straight. Posted by HaloMek on 06:11:2001 06:56 AM: u know..for MM....if they rushdown or jump at u...u can just do his HC right when they fall...or try to hit u and most of the time u will hit him..... Posted by COLLOSSALSKILLZ on 06:11:2001 09:27 AM: what's an hc? hyper combo? Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:11:2001 01:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by COLLOSSALSKILLZ what's an hc? hyper combo? ahhh yeah Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:11:2001 01:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by Tigergenocide5 Ok, my trap is call in juggernaut right before you jump(normal) and then fire a reg mega blast right before you land and then another as you land. The first will hit then juggys overhand right and then the second blast. Then you can just blast away and repeat, if they're cable then when they try a super or something a third blast will almost always stop them. 4 hits of this will kill anyone as far as I know. Three for some. And if they try to jump at me I just use capcoms aaa asist to keep them away and call in juggy again. Works very well when used the right way. thats not a very good trap a cable or sentinel trap will destroy it Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 04:38 PM: That's usually what would happen, but I've manage to actually take out cable quite easily. All I do is duck and cable cant hit me with the pistol. so i can just call in juggy and then duck and shoot. and if he supers, my cannon will hit him first and cancel his supper and then he gets nailed by juggy. and if I have capcom in I just call in juggy and then cable will usually jump and do a ahvb and juggy gets caught but capcom gets away and then i just do my anti air super to bring him down to dust. its more effective than you think Posted by Shuzer on 06:11:2001 09:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Frieza All I do is duck and cable cant hit me with the pistol. so i can just call in juggy and then duck and shoot. and if he supers, my cannon will hit him first and cancel his supper and then he gets nailed by juggy. and if I have capcom in I just call in juggy and then cable will usually jump and do a ahvb and juggy gets caught but capcom gets away and then i just do my anti air super to bring him down to dust. 1) Smart Cable players won't use S. Fierce on Megaman. They already know he's too small to hit by it. 2) Since you are not using Sentinel or Doom, there will not be enough crap flying around to stay safe from AHVB. Cable will find the opening that's a few frames long, and punish you. 3) If you have CapCom in, people can resort to normal jump trapping with J. Fierce, VB/Grenade. It will keep Commando near the ground, and Jug will take the AHVB to his grave. Posted by Frieza on 06:11:2001 10:45 PM: possibly, but its much more effective than you think Posted by Red Spiral on 06:11:2001 10:56 PM: sentinel/doom will rape that shit alive. if you're playing at like chuck-e-cheeses where they set the damage level to like one ahvb you're dead, then i guess you're right. Posted by captainsaveahoe on 06:12:2001 01:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by captainsaveahoe I'm pretty sure my mags(a)cable(b)Doom(A) can take it out, Posted by Frieza on 06:12:2001 01:57 AM: I take out doom/sent too, not as easy as others, but i get the job done Posted by SilverGear on 06:12:2001 02:11 AM: Hmmmm.... Interesting trap you have there Frieza. I can't say anything bad about it because I've never gone against anything like that. So I'll take your word until I see you play. As for me. Well I'm working on the Dr. Doom/ BlackHeart Trap myself. "PHOTON ARRAY!" Posted by Terazon on 06:12:2001 02:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Tigergenocide5 Ok, my trap is call in juggernaut right before you jump(normal) and then fire a reg mega blast right before you land and then another as you land. The first will hit then juggys overhand right and then the second blast. Then you can just blast away and repeat, if they're cable then when they try a super or something a third blast will almost always stop them. 4 hits of this will kill anyone as far as I know. Three for some. And if they try to jump at me I just use capcoms aaa asist to keep them away and call in juggy again. Works very well when used the right way. The way you have this trap posted needs alot of modifying like adding rockballs for example in. I personally don't think enough stuff is heading Cable's way to stop yourself from losing Jugglenuts. Also it's too vague. However, if it works for you, it works for you. I doubt it would work for me this way because of previously mentioned stuff. When I post I leave very explicit details, and "if thens". Example: You can call an assist almost anywhere in this pattern.A single asterisk means an assist call point. A double asterisk means a stronger suggested assist call point. Have a backup assist like Commando, Cyclops, Jin or else. =Megaman / Doom-A= 1]*,Jump [**]and fire uncharged megabuster [to begin charging should I want a red one later]. 2]Land,**, drop a rockball,*, kick it, 3]**, Fire charged or uncharged one 4]Repeat or alter pattern. 5]For added fun and variation try this. *, 2-3 jumping hp, **, drop and kick rockball and repeat [This is another trap by the way]. This is a bridge pattern you can work in to allow yourself to modify the pattern safely. -If they superjump out, send a rockball up there and superjump after them and attack with megabusters or other attacks. -If they get close, use your secondary assist. -The trap works best at mid screen. Try to use it there only. -DO NOT GET PREDICTABLE. Redundancy will get your trap destroyed so easily it's sick. Then Megaman may well be next. -The trap is based more on denial of options and screen overload than lockdown. [This one has minor elements of both however]. -Megaman has more mobility when trapping than say Sentinel and Spiral and must be exploited. I also pitty any Juggernaut if called against my Megaman in the fashon you showed since my entire megaman play is based on killing assists and not trapping. It will most likely eat a charged Megabuster [which aborts super armour], or a Jin assist [which also aborts super armour], and a hyper megaman to him afterwards. From there I DHC with as many supers as I can dependent on the team I chose. Like I said as you mentioned it earlier, it may work for you, but not for me. Use it as you see fit since it works for you. Lets move on to other traps shall we as per the thread title. Posted by mondu_the_fat on 06:12:2001 03:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by Tigergenocide5 Ok, my trap is call in juggernaut right before you jump(normal) and then fire a reg mega blast right before you land and then another as you land. The first will hit then juggys overhand right and then the second blast. Then you can just blast away and repeat, if they're cable then when they try a super or something a third blast will almost always stop them. 4 hits of this will kill anyone as far as I know. Three for some. And if they try to jump at me I just use capcoms aaa asist to keep them away and call in juggy again. Works very well when used the right way. Sentinel fires an FP laser, nullifying the blast, then follows up with a SK Sentinel force, 1 robot knocking Juggy out of his rush, the rest hitting megaman. Or just skip the FP laser and do the SK force. 1 Robot knocks out the blast, 1 robot knocks out Jugg. Another robot knocks out Megaman. Megaman is a joke. Posted by Frieza on 06:12:2001 03:10 AM: Yea, I back it up the two up with Commando. But against sent all i have to do is wait alittle bit for his alser and then kill him to nothing. it may be fast but it still has a delay. and megamans super is just way to slow. unless you get them in a corner its not much use if you ask me. as agianst megaman, i can take him out pretty well. I can play him with assist or without, he's my favorite to juggy of course Posted by SUN CiTy KinG on 06:12:2001 05:41 AM: I used to use a team like yours but, i had to modify it. doom assits stops juggernaut in his tracks, then megaman blocks the rocks then cables shooting fierces which you duck but he's also hitting the assits button and dooms out again and juggernaut is stuck again. After a few jumping vpbms and more doom assits Cables charged. and Juggernauts dead. Call in Commando and he's dead. I speak from experience, tourny experience and just playing good people in Houston, el Paso experience. Doom rocks your team, Cyclops assits knocks jugg up and he eats more supers. Sounds fun but good players play extreamly fast and cover everything well so one false move and it's over, your just begining I guess. have fun ,i'm sure If you like megaman you'll have to throw sentinel in there sometime. My team Megaman/Cable/sentinel. Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:12:2001 08:52 AM: Frieza you know i suck at the arcade but my sent/blackheart/doom tore your shit up admit it. Posted by Frieza on 06:12:2001 04:41 PM: For alittle while, but who came up on top?? Besides, I got me a new team now. You've never seen my new team. Besides, I had a shitty game that night, couldnt pull off any headcrushes when i needed them. And i didnt even use the glitch. now i use the glitch and Im a shit load better. You should see me team. CapCom is an incredible assesment to the new team. Posted by The Iceman on 06:12:2001 08:23 PM: Traps My best trap is the BH/Sentinel trap, i takes alot of damage. THE ICEMAN Posted by Terazon on 06:13:2001 02:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by mondu_the_fat Megaman is a joke. I disagree with that quite strongly, but that's life. I believe a really good Megaman player [very rare in my area] absolutely rocks and can be a real pest. Just because you can rape a character almost at will with another one doesen't necessarily mean that character sucks. Megaman if properly equipped has an innate advantage over Cable for example [to the point he needs BH] just as a properly equipped Cable has an innate advantage over almost anyone. [Why do you think Duc's Spiral, Cable, insert Sentinel/Cyc keeps winning stuff for him?] I made the mistake of thinking Magneto was alot weaker once I learned how to kill him regularly with Megaman. Very, very stupid of me. With the exceptions of Hayato, Roll, and Zangief I think almost any character can turn an upset on anyone else if equipped right. Megaman VS Sentinel is by no means an exception to this. Stay out of the trap. Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:13:2001 02:54 AM: Frieza I still Dont think your team can hold a bag a of sjit up to my Sent/BH/Cable team.Im gettin better all the time buddy and I can guarantee I have better competition out here than you,you will be destroyed again. Posted by Frieza on 06:13:2001 03:32 AM: Thats one of the problems down here, no comp. But even so, I've gotten probably 10 times better than when we last played. And with the juggy glitch, his head crush takes off 50 percent of their life usually. And then combo it into capcoms move and they die no prob. ive gotten alot better than when we last played, compared to what i am now, i was total, and i mean total, crap. Posted by Frieza on 06:13:2001 03:33 AM: Oh, and by the way, in case you didnt know, the phone lines are supposed to be up by now down here. Posted by SUN CiTy KinG on 06:13:2001 05:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Frieza Thats one of the problems down here, no comp. But even so, I've gotten probably 10 times better than when we last played. And with the juggy glitch, his head crush takes off 50 percent of their life usually. And then combo it into capcoms move and they die no prob. ive gotten alot better than when we last played, compared to what i am now, i was total, and i mean total, crap. I'm not sure if you've noticed or not but, your machine is probably turned on High damage. one head crush cancedlled before the 3 hit into commando shouldn't kill anybody. Just letting you know. The glitch as I understood is only on your assits not on your charcter when he's on poing, so only when he's assiting is he powerd up... Posted by Frieza on 06:13:2001 06:01 AM: the glitch affects juggy in assist and when he's actually fighting until he powers up again or the match is over. and his head crush does take off about 50 life on small and medium characters and nice amount on the large people too. but from what i understand the glitch doesnt work on the DC. but im not sure. it'd really help if some one could confirm wether or not the glitch works on the DC or not Posted by sick$imulations on 06:13:2001 07:19 AM: my team is dr doom(aaa) cable(aaa) sentinel(ground) anyone have any good traps for my team dat they would like to share with me? Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:14:2001 04:31 AM: Frieza talk to chris and play his DC but as far as Stick goes you should probably scrap Doom since he is too damn slow and go with Blackheart or someone quicker.If you use BH with AAA then your first person should be sent so you can bust out their trap if you know what it is.The trap I do with them is straight up just High or low Fierce with sent and constantly doing weak sentinal arms and just bust out Bh if they try to jump if they get close do the super arms and if you are daring keep bringing Bh and dash in. Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 05:08 AM: Oh, I scrapped doom a long time ago. He didnt work with my team. I learned quickly that hose pesky jumpers kept getting in my way so I added CapCom to my team. Its one very very kick ass team now. Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 05:09 AM: And yea, I remember that trap. You used it alot against me. But I've gotten use to it and can defend against it pretty effectively. Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:14:2001 06:17 AM: Well Im getting good with a little somebody named cable buddy and Im going to quote Sagat here but I've got something new for you this time you'll be scarred. Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 06:20 AM: i cant wait to play you again, you were the best comp i had in lake jackson, now theres no one to practice against so i can get better Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:14:2001 06:33 AM: Well im gettin better in all areas so just wait a couple months and do you have Aol Im??Im on aol so thats the only way i can talk right now Posted by Deviant on 06:14:2001 06:43 AM: juggernaut headcrush affects ALL moves juggernaut does, assist, or point. he can indeed do almost a full life bar with a mashed headcrush. and jugg glitch does work on the DC. Deviant Posted by Trouble on 06:14:2001 07:44 AM: I don't use megaman enought to think of a trap with him...i just stick to ironman cable and cyc Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 04:26 PM: Thankx Devient And Damien, i dont have Aol, only msn messenger And Trouble, Meganman has some badass traps. Theres a good trap with him and Juggy, and him and Capcom (AAA). Ask Tiger, hehe, megaman/juggy can be pretty devestating. And now i throw in the glitch and its fucking awesome. Im alot better now so its even more devestating! So watch out Tiger, until next time...JUGGERNAUT PUNCH!!!!!! Posted by Terazon on 06:14:2001 05:35 PM: I really think it's about time we all moved on and got back on topic. The title of this thread is good traps. So far only 3 traps were mentioned on this thread I've noticed so far. One is in the example I left for Frieza in the example [which is a trap], The Doom BH one, and Frieza's one that [IMO] needs a little work [NO OFFENCE FRIEZA]. Frieza, I think it is wise for you to move on to mentioning other traps, commenting on them, or just observing or them. I'm trying to prevent you from getting flamed to death by the other people on this thread. So far everyone all I've seen is discussion I deem useless and I want this thread to be a worthwile one and not a waste of my time like it has been to this point. I have learned little if anything at all from this thread so far and am thus quite disappointed. THIS IS NOT A FLAME of everyone, only a well meant criticism and another polite prompt to get back on topic. Especially with such a great title. Frieza keep practicing. You'll stumble onto someone who will give you the adequate practice you seek. He's probably an arcade player so you might want to start there. Everyone knows that Mega has some sweet traps, so that is a waste saying that IMO. Posted by Frieza on 06:14:2001 06:02 PM: I use rock balls and stuff, only sometimes to finish up the trap, but its alot better than what I wrote, its hard to explain. But I think a good trap is the strider/doom. I've never seen it because, as I said, the comp down here isnt exactly plentiful. But from what I know its pretty devestating. Tigers team is good because it has the doom/bh and sent/bh trap. I think those are the traps, all I know is that its has two good traps in it. But all the characters are slow. A good rush down character could put a hurting on it. But I think Tiger could work around that. He's a good solid player Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:15:2001 09:09 AM: I can work around the rushdown actually but lets move on to my favorite and probably one of the more difficult traps because EVERYONE knows its coming and that is Strider/Doom.Now one of my fav teams for this is strider/doom/Bh and pretty much I like to set it up by leading with Strider and teleporting alot and trying to rushdown a bit using Bh (AAA) and trying for some ACs. Then once iget them close to the corner or even if they mess up and jump in Oroborus call doom and if you are close to the corner teleport behind and keep calling doom and use as many Oroborus as possibble and for a finisher I like launching them and finishing with an air combo. Then start building your meter again and look for another opening.This trap if done right is very annoying to the other person cuz there aint a damn thing they can do about it, Its a TRAP!!!And also with this team you have the Doom/BH trap which I havent really gotten down yet but when i do a report will be up on my way. Posted by Strider Trunks on 06:15:2001 03:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by Red Spiral sentinel/doom will rape that shit alive. if you're playing at like chuck-e-cheeses where they set the damage level to like one ahvb you're dead, then i guess you're right. Chuck-E-Cheeses??!! C'mon they have weak ass arcades there and they wouldnt resort to such violent games hahaha Posted by blacheart576 on 06:16:2001 04:08 AM: i think tron and sprial have the best trap Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:16:2001 05:43 AM: Do u have a trap with iron and spiral or did you read about it?in either case please explain it cuz i dont know what it is i dont use them. Posted by Mung714 on 06:16:2001 05:52 AM: my roll, shuma, and thanos trap would own that......dont ask me to explain it, you would be overwhelmed Posted by Frieza on 06:16:2001 06:48 PM: How do you do spirals super where she changes into everybody and kicks their ass? I just started using her and I've only done it once. I know you do the down forward kicks to become purple and crap and then you do something, but what. Please help. Posted by Deviant on 06:18:2001 05:18 AM: spidey aaa/doom aaa/capcom aaa i haven't played with this team too much, because i'm not great with either doom or capcom point... and no matter good i am with spidey, his low stamina and dearth of unpunishable moves; not being proficient with at least one of the other two characters (doom preferrably) makes me shy away from this team in serious situations... and the trap against lesser opponents results in many 'stop being gay' comments, or at least an angry stomp off after the loss. anyways.... do jump jab web ball. a lot. call doom when you're up on their ass. keep doing jump jab web ball. when doom releases his rocks, jump, ad forward fk, land jab, short, roundhouse (call doom), jab web ball, then do more jumping jab web balls. if your opponent takes the offensive, call out capcom, and do a (you guessed it) jumping jab web ball. then get on their ass again with more jj web balls. you can also do sj jab web ball aiming it in the area over their head, to control their space. make sure you cover dooms escape time with web ball, or jump in rh. like i said, id on't have it down to a science, just basically get on their ass. and yeah, this trap will probably die to cable... but hey spidey is cool. actually, now that i think about it, this is how i play spidey when i play him no matter who my assists are. the one dude playin me with jill (and he is an EXCELLENT jill player, btw... eevn though jill ain't all that or nothin) i just say back and did jumping web balls and called capcom when he got close. he REALLY hated that. anyways... lemme know whatchya'll think. Deviant Posted by Tigergenocide5 on 06:19:2001 03:02 AM: Thats sounds decent deviant because i havent seen it but Im thinking any decent sent or cable player will eat it up be cause the jab web balls are just bait for a HVB or low fp from sent but im gonna check this one out anyway.Thanks for the input. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:21 PM. Show all 58 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.